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Georg Baselitz, Prints 1963-1983BASELITZ, GeorgGeorg Baselitz, Prints 1963-198328.00
Georg Baselitz: Paintings 1960-83BASELITZ, GeorgGeorg Baselitz: Paintings 1960-8320.00
BASELITZ, GeorgRecent Paintings by Georg Baselitz15.00
Bauhaus Weimar, 1919-1925BAUHAUSBauhaus Weimar, 1919-192520.00
Max Beckmann, exhibition of paintings 1925-1950BECKMANN, MaxMax Beckmann, exhibition of paintings 1925-195025.00
Caterpillar 17BERMAN, WallaceCaterpillar 1720.00
Joseph Beuys BEUYS, Joseph Joseph Beuys 22.00
Joseph Beuys, Die VitrinenBEUYS, JosephJoseph Beuys, Die Vitrinen10.00
BEUYS, JosephJoseph Beuys: The Secret Block for a Secret Person in Ireland60.00
Tony BevanBEVAN, TonyTony Bevan15.00
BEVAN, TonyTony Bevan, Monotypes10.00
Richard Billingham BILLINGHAM, Richard Richard Billingham 98.00
Hazel Larsen Archer - Black Mountain College PhotographerBLACK MOUNTAIN COLLEGE Hazel Larsen Archer - Black Mountain College Photographer38.00
BLAIS, Jean-CharlesJean-Charles Blais15.00
BLAIS, Jean-CharlesJean-Charles Blais: Toute l'Atellier de Mars a Octobre 198415.00
Peter Blake, James Joyce in Paris - A series of nine etchings 1983-84BLAKE, PeterPeter Blake, James Joyce in Paris - A series of nine etchings 1983-847.00
BLAKE, Scott9/11 Flipbook 15.00
BOCHNER, MelArt & Project Bulletin 27; Mel Bochner - Excerpts From Speculation (1967-1970)75.00
Mel BochnerBOCHNER, Mel Mel Bochner48.00
Primer - The Complete Catalogue of Twenty-One Demonstrations from a Theory of Sculpture (Counting)BOCHNER, MelPrimer - The Complete Catalogue of Twenty-One Demonstrations from a Theory of Sculpture (Counting)80.00
Stephan Boehle - Monochrome Bilder BOEHLE, StephanStephan Boehle - Monochrome Bilder 15.00
Art & Project Bulletin 62; Alighiero BoettiBOETTI, AlighieroArt & Project Bulletin 62; Alighiero Boetti120.00
Cieli Ad Alta QuotaBOETTI, AlighieroCieli Ad Alta Quota560.00
BOISROND, FrancoisFrancois Boisrond10.00
Chrisitan BoltanksiBOLTANSKI, ChristianChrisitan Boltanksi20.00
RECONSTITUTION: Christian BoltanskiBOLTANSKI, ChristianRECONSTITUTION: Christian Boltanski320.00
HielosBONILLAS, InakiHielos20.00
Catalogue of Paintings by Bonnard BONNARD, PierreCatalogue of Paintings by Bonnard 45.00
Victor Brauner: Peintures 1963/1964BRAUNER, VictorVictor Brauner: Peintures 1963/196415.00
Beth BrennerBRENNER, BethBeth Brenner10.00
BRICE, William William Brice - NOTATIONS 198252.00
BRICE, WilliamWilliam Brice, Notations 198250.00
Stuart Brisley, Works 1958-2006BRISLEY, StuartStuart Brisley, Works 1958-200615.00
Colour for KosovoBRIT ARTColour for Kosovo38.00
British Drawings since 1945 in the Whitworth Art GalleryBRITISH ARTBritish Drawings since 1945 in the Whitworth Art Gallery10.00
Connecting Lines: Artists Talk about DrawingBRITISH ARTConnecting Lines: Artists Talk about Drawing16.00
Contemporary British Art in Print, The Publications of Charles Booth-Clibborn and his imprint, The Paragon Press 1986-95BRITISH ARTContemporary British Art in Print, The Publications of Charles Booth-Clibborn and his imprint, The Paragon Press 1986-9560.00
BRITISH ARTEnglische Kunst im 20. Jahrhundert45.00
John Moores Liverpool Exhibition 12BRITISH ARTJohn Moores Liverpool Exhibition 1210.00
Names to RememberBRITISH ARTNames to Remember16.00
Red Taylor, James Hull - Original French Lithographs and Etchings BRITISH ART Red Taylor, James Hull - Original French Lithographs and Etchings 15.00
Road Show Nueva Encuesta InglesaBRITISH ARTRoad Show Nueva Encuesta Inglesa35.00
Technique Anglaise, Current Trends in British ArtBRITISH ARTTechnique Anglaise, Current Trends in British Art36.00
BRITISH ART The Artist at War - Second World War Paintings & Drawings From the Walker Art Gallery's Collection 15.00
The British Art Show 4BRITISH ARTThe British Art Show 436.00
This Knot of Life, Paintings and Drawings by British ArtistsBRITISH ARTThis Knot of Life, Paintings and Drawings by British Artists16.00
VENTURES Clive Barker, Mark Boyle Barry Flanagan Peter Green Michael Harvey Colin Lanceley John Laham Richard  Loncraine BRITISH ART VENTURES Clive Barker, Mark Boyle Barry Flanagan Peter Green Michael Harvey Colin Lanceley John Laham Richard Loncraine 20.00
Growing Up The Young British Artists at 50BRITISH ART (Brit Art)Growing Up The Young British Artists at 5030.00
11 Englische ZeichnerBRITISH ART (POSTWAR)11 Englische Zeichner18.00
The Institute of Contemporary ArtsBRITISH ART: ICA Gallery The Institute of Contemporary Arts25.00
Colour Sculptures, Britain in the SixtiesBRITISH SCULPTURE Colour Sculptures, Britain in the Sixties10.00
Sculpture from the Arts Council CollectionBRITISH SCULPTURE Sculpture from the Arts Council Collection15.00
Sculpture in the Close 2005 - Jesus College, CambridgeBRITISH SCULPTURE Sculpture in the Close 2005 - Jesus College, Cambridge10.00
Art & Project Bulletin 66; Marcel Broodthaers - 'Retrospective (Octobre 1963-Mars 1973)'BROODTHAERS, MarcelArt & Project Bulletin 66; Marcel Broodthaers - 'Retrospective (Octobre 1963-Mars 1973)'120.00
Marcel BroodthaersBROODTHAERS, MarcelMarcel Broodthaers140.00
BROODTHAERS, MarcelMarcel Broodthaers10.00
Marcel BroodthaersBROODTHAERS, Marcel Marcel Broodthaers30.00
Une Seconde - Marcel Broodthers - Une Seconde D;Eternite d'apres une idee de Charles BaudelaireBROODTHAERS, MarcelUne Seconde - Marcel Broodthers - Une Seconde D;Eternite d'apres une idee de Charles Baudelaire14.00
Ellen BrooksBROOKS, EllenEllen Brooks10.00
BROUWN, StanleyArt & Project Bulletin 11; Stanley Brouwn at Prospect 6975.00
Art & Project Bulletin 120; Stanley BrouwnBROUWN, StanleyArt & Project Bulletin 120; Stanley Brouwn75.00
BROUWN, StanleyArt & Project Bulletin 38; Stanley Brouwn75.00
Art & Project Bulletin 63; Stanley BrouwnBROUWN, StanleyArt & Project Bulletin 63; Stanley Brouwn75.00
Art & Project Bulletin 69; Stanley BrouwnBROUWN, StanleyArt & Project Bulletin 69; Stanley Brouwn75.00
Art & Project Bulletin 94; Stanley BrouwnBROUWN, StanleyArt & Project Bulletin 94; Stanley Brouwn75.00
BRUGGEMANN, StefanShowtitles 15.00
BUCK, PaulTo End it All 15.00
BUREN, DanielArt & Project Bulletin 40; Daniel Buren100.00
Art & Project Bulletin 75; Daniel Buren - 'Transparency'BUREN, DanielArt & Project Bulletin 75; Daniel Buren - 'Transparency'100.00
Art & Project Bulletin 76; Daniel Buren 'Transparency'BUREN, DanielArt & Project Bulletin 76; Daniel Buren 'Transparency'100.00
BUREN - Folge No 2BUREN, Daniel BUREN - Folge No 2120.00
Daniel Buren BUREN, Daniel Daniel Buren 200.00
Daniel Buren: VANAFBUREN, Daniel Daniel Buren: VANAF20.00
Discordance/Coherence BUREN, Daniel Discordance/Coherence 30.00
BURGY, DonaldContexts Completion Ideas50.00
Edward Burra BURRA, EdwardEdward Burra 26.00
Edward Burra 1975-1976BURRA, EdwardEdward Burra 1975-197615.00
Edward Burra, The Formative Years 1923-1927BURRA, EdwardEdward Burra, The Formative Years 1923-192710.00
BURRI, RenéRené Burri, Die Deutschen15.00
Jack Bush, Paintings 1959-1974BUSH, JackJack Bush, Paintings 1959-197410.00
James Lee Byars BYARS, James LeeJames Lee Byars 48.00
Dancers on a Plane, Cage -  Cunningham - JohnsCAGE, JohnDancers on a Plane, Cage - Cunningham - Johns50.00
The Paintings of Steven Campbell - The Story So Far by Duncan MacmillanCAMPBELL, StevenThe Paintings of Steven Campbell - The Story So Far by Duncan Macmillan20.00
Pizzi CannellaCANNELLA, PizziPizzi Cannella10.00
The 1985 Carnegie InternationalCARNEGIE INTERNATIONALThe 1985 Carnegie International30.00
Anthony Caro  - New SculptureCARO, AnthonyAnthony Caro - New Sculpture14.00
Anthony Caro - Sculpture 1969-84CARO, AnthonyAnthony Caro - Sculpture 1969-8415.00
Anthony Caro by William RubinCARO, AnthonyAnthony Caro by William Rubin70.00
Patrick CaulfieldCAULFIELD, Patrick Patrick Caulfield18.00
Patrick Caulfield, Works on BoardCAULFIELD, PatrickPatrick Caulfield, Works on Board15.00
Patrick Caulfield: New PaintingsCAULFIELD, PatrickPatrick Caulfield: New Paintings20.00
CAVUSOGLU, ErginErgin Cavusoglu, Places of Departure15.00
CEZANNE, PaulLes Hommes d'Audjourd'Hui - Paul Cezanne50.00
John ChamberlainCHAMBERLAIN, JohnJohn Chamberlain12.00
CHARCHOUNE, SergeCharchoune40.00
CHARLTON, AlanAlan Charlton 18.00
CHARLTON, AlanDrawings of Eight Paintings25.00
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